山 本 二 三 やまもとにぞう
1953年6月27日、長崎県五島市出身。中学卒業後、岐阜県の高校で建築を学ぶ。東京の美術系専門学校に在学中から、アニメーションの背景画の仕事を手掛けるようになる。テレビアニメーション「未来少年コナン」(1978)で自身初の美術監督を務め、以降、「天空の城 ラピュタ」(1986)、「火垂るの墓」(1988)、「もののけ姫」(1997)、「時をかける少女」(2006)など、美術監督として数々の名作に携わった。
「アニメーション美術の創造者 新・山本二三展」が全国巡回中。累計入場者数が100万人をこえ、好評を博している。画集等の著書多数。故郷を描くライフワークの作品群「五島百景」が10年をかけて2021年、ついに完成した。迫力ある独特の雲の描き方が特徴的で、ファンの間で「二三雲」と呼ばれている。
絵映舎 HP
Nizo Yamamoto
Nizo was born in Goto, Nagasaki on June 27th, 1953.
After graduating from junior high school,
he entered a high school in Gifu to study architecture.
While in professional school of arts,
he began his job to produce scene paintings for animation.
He took part in a number of masterpieces,
such as “Castle in the Sky,” “Grave of Fireflies, ”
“Princess Mononoke,” and “The Girl Who Leapt Through Time,”
as the art director.
His art exhibit, “The Creator of Japanese Animation Art,
Nizo Yamamoto Exhibition” is traveling around Japan.
The total attendance exceeds one million.
He has published many works as art book.
In 2021,“A Hundred View of Goto,”a series of100 paintings depict-ing
his hometetown,was completed after 10 years of work.
The clouds he portrays are so powerful and unique
that they are callred“Nizo clouds”among his fans.
He passed away on August 19, 2023 at the age of 70 from stomach cancer.
Until a few days before his death, he had been working on a comic strip about "KANJI's Castle," a folk tale from his hometown of Goto, and had completed a draft of about 120 pages, with one page left to complete.