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「武家屋敷 松園邸(山本二三美術館)」 山本二三画(五島百景より)

長崎県五島市出身のアニメーション映画・美術家 山本二三氏。






Nizo Yamamoto was born in Goto, Nagasaki Japan.

He took part in a number of masterpieces,

such as “Castle in the Sky,” “Grave of Fireflies, ” “Princess Mononoke,”

and “The Girl Who Leapt Through Time,” as the art director.


This museum exhibits Nizo’s animation scene paintings and his original portraits of Goto views.

Uniquely,it is in an repaired old samurai residence, “Matsuzonotei,”

whichwas built in 1863 (during the Edo period).

Here you can enjoy paintings of Nizo, who was raised on Goto’s great nature,

and come in touch with the history and culture of Goto.

山本二三美術館 Clouds over Goto Nizo Yamamoto Art Museum
山本二三美術館 ご来館される皆様へのお願い



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